11 October 2014

Best-ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm not going to faff about trying to create my own half-arsed recipe, because it already exists.

Here it is: http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/cookies/chocolate-chip-cookies

I used chopped baker's chocolate, added pistachios, and skimped on the flax 'eggs'. They are divine. 

Next time, I think I'll add peppermint extract and spinach powder (for colour).

10 October 2014


I've got a sweet potato and lentil soup in the slow cooker. I'll add the last of my first-ever batch of spiced cocoa-ghee when I get home.

If it works out, I'll post it later.

07 October 2014

Cashew Vanilla Cream

This doesn't smell or taste of chocolate. It's pure creamy deliciousness. Serve on top of anything sweet — say for example my cocoa butter apple crumble…

06 October 2014

Apple Crumble

Who doesn't love apple crumble? And this one's vegan! With cocoa butter! I promise it doesn't taste or smell chocolatey, though; that would be weird.

Vegan Niter Kibbeh (Spiced Ghee)

I simply haven't got the words to tell you how amazing Niter Kibbeh is. It's key to most Ethiopian dishes, but it also adds wonderful depth of flavour to just about any savoury dish.

Chocolatarian, Really?

Yes, really!

Well, okay… Not really.

Sort of.